crafted by photobiz


Please read the recommendations below – to help provide the most succesful shoot for your new love!

Comfort and warmth is going to be the number one factor for providing an extra sleepy atmosphere for your newborn.

My goal for your newborn session is to create a very loving, comfy, cozy and blissful session.

Typically I take photos of the beautiful nursery space, family photos, snuggling, feeding, changing, soothing and interacting with your baby love.

If there are siblings we can capture some adorable images of them together. Some siblings are more welcoming than others and I am happy to cater to the needs of each little person involved.

If your baby is sleepy, full and warm enough we can get some sweet posed photos of him/her in the nursery space, on a beautiful textured blanket, parent’s bed, a beautiful rocker, etc.

There will be some "baby posing", but I really adore the natural look of your baby in your arms and in your home!



Tips and advice for before I arrive:

-I typically like to shoot babies within the first couple of weeks of life. Preferrably within the first 4 day's. The older they are the more awake they are, so keep that in mind. Awake can be good, but can sometimes lead to “I want to eat.” more often than usual.

-I bring along a small space heater for the area to be shooting in… babies will sleep like a dream, when they are WARM!

-A white noise machine AND stereo are great to add some sounds to soothe your little love.

- A well fed baby is a happy baby, please begin feeding about 30min. prior to my arrival 

-If you have any special onesies, blankets, headbands and such please have them out for me to review (soft, organic, pastels are beautiful for NB photos).

-I will shoot mostly in rooms with gorgeous natural light. Rooms I love to shoot in are nurseries, master bedrooms, living rooms and sometimes sibling’s room.

-Please have the nursery and all other rooms to be used for your session nice and tidy so that it will be ‘photo-ready’ and gorgeous.

-The baby should be in only a diaper or simple outfit when I arrive, so that I can slip it off to start shooting. Taking off clothes will just disrupt and awaken them.

-Your baby may be more awake during the session, than “normal” because  we will be handling your baby more than they are used to.

-If your baby wants to nurse, by all means feed him/her. I am happy to document this precious time too, please let me know!

-My favorite “look” for newborn photos involve soft dreamy and neutral colors – colorful pastels, creams, grays, tans, denim can be beautiful for photos.